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The Senate Voted 67-32 To Advance The Bipartisan Biden Infrastructure Bill Closer To An Eventual Final Vote. The Efforts By Former Reality TV Host And Former One-Term President Donald Trump To Sabotage It Failed. MSNBC Reported That After Trump Pressured Republic Senators To Vote Against The Bill, The Final Number Of Gop Senators Who Voted To Support It Doubled. Wake Up Trump Supporters! He Doesn’t Care If You Get COVID. He Doesn’t Care If Your Bridges And Roads Crumble. He Doesn’t Care If You Have Healthcare, Childcare, Or Find A Better Paying Job. That’s Not Political Animus, It’s Documented Facts Based On Trump’s Ideology And His Quest For Power At The Expense Of Democracy And The Well-Being Of Americans.

This bill is the most significant investment in America’s infrastructure since President Eisenhower enacted the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956. Despite continuous, claims of ” infrastructure week”, Trump failed at getting a deal passed.The bipartisan Biden Infrastructure bill includes $550 billion for public work projects which include bridges, highways, broadband, airports, the electric grid, waterworks, and infrastructure to protect against cyber attacks and to fight climate change. President Biden’s commitment to bipartisanship contrasts Trump’s dismissive, hate-filled exclusion of all Democrats from legislative collaborations. Biden supports the ideology of the founding father’s two-party system. Trump’s war on bipartisanship was just one of many indications that he was pursuing an autocratic form of government to replace our democracy.

America is in great need of funding to restore its aging infrastructure. The potential for Americans to lose their lives on our crumbling roads and bridges is high. There is a growing need to create new, better-paying jobs for Americans, and an infrastructure package meets that need. Improving access to broadband in rural cities across the country will increase opportunities in education and employment for people living in those areas. Even though half of America refuses to believe he won the election, Biden’s policies reflect the promise he made when he was inaugurated; ” I will be the President for all Americans, not just those who voted for me.”

Most of Trump’s presidency was a failure of policy and morality. In addition to lying about the danger of COVID-19 in 2020, which contributed to thousands of Americans dying, Trump also failed to reform healthcare as he promised and never got close to securing the nuclear reduction deal with North Korea. Except for passing tax cuts for the rich and reducing regulations to help corporations, Trump’s only other accomplishments were enacting policies against immigrants, minorities, and the LGBTQ community. Today, Biden proved his skill at the “art of the deal” with the successful vote in the Senate and exposed Trump’s skills at the ” “art of the NO deal.” In addition to Senator Mitch McConnell, 16 additional Senators disregarded Trump’s threats to campaign against them in their primaries and voted for the bill to advance.

If ALL Republicans would unite, tell Trump to get lost, and tell their constituents they are done with him, Trump’s power would end. Trump voters are not going to vote for a Democrats, so Republicans could end the degradation of America and the ruining of their reputations by banding together and making Trump irrelevant. Trump has bullied the GOP into submission, but as with all bullies, if you punch back they crumble. Trump’s form of ” toxic masculinity” has attracted masses of white male supremacists and fanatical evangelicals who have betrayed the Bible. His policies and ideology are shaped by pandering to the ideologies of these extremist groups.

There has never been a former US president who has publicly dedicated himself to demonizing his successor and, with his party, works to sabotage all legislation of the new administration. Republicans in office and the voting public who support Trump’s mission to destroy all efforts by President Biden put an end to the COVID pandemic, rebuild America’s aging infrastructure, expand healthcare, abolish racial injustice, and protect voting rights are enemies of democracy.

Consequences to those who have chosen the cult of this sore- loser, anti-American ex-president over loyalty to our democratic norms are inevitable. The number of Trump loyalists who either suffer indictment, jail, public betrayal, or financial ruin increases with each passing day. The bipartisan vote in the Senate today is a sign that there is a slight Republican movement towards breaking away from Trump’s assaults on democracy and decency.

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