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COVID Hospitalizations Are Surging In States That Still Love Con Man Trump. Is the Delta Variation Virus Coming After The Red States With Low Vaccination Levels? Some Say COVID-19 Was Sent To Insure Trump Wouldn’t Be Re-elected. Now Are The No Vaxxers Tempting Fate By Returning To Life As Normal With No Vaccination, No Masks, And No Testing? In January, Trump Ran His Scared Butt To Get Vaccinated, Yet Remains Covertly Against Supporting Americans To Get Vaccinated. His Botching Of Managing The Pandemic Lost Him Re-Election, The House And The Senate. Are His Supporters Willing To Risk Their Lives And Emulate His Stupidity?

Besides lying to Americans about the danger COVID-19 posed to their lives, Trump then stupidly caught COVID by not practicing protective measures recommended by the CDC. His pathologically low self-esteem drove him to create a macho attitude denying the risk related to contracting COVID. He spread the deadly virus to his young son, wife, and most of his staff. He held super-spreader rallies and White House events and continued to encourage others to mock the expert’s warnings about the dangers of contracting COVID. The media has recently obtained information about how sick Trump was from his COVID infection and without the special medication, Monoclonal Antibody treatment he received, he could have died. Now his followers in red states are following his reckless behaviors by refusing to get vaccinated seeing their position as a statement of support for Trump.

Public Health officials and President Biden are fighting to save lives. They are not politically motivated in the fight against COVID-19 like the power-mongers Trump, McConnell, McCarthy, and the majority of Republican elected members of Congress. Voters in predominantly red southern states are resisting getting vaccinated. Sorry to sound mean and judgmental, but they sound so stupid and immature when interviewed on why they won’t take the shot. Their responses include;

These responses sound dumb, brainwashed, and selfish. These beliefs increase the odds of these red-state Republicans catching COVID-19 or the Delta variant and being hospitalized or dead based on their stubbornness, low IQ, partisanship, Trump-worship, or a death wish. Trump, McConnell, and McCarthy are trying to sabotage the monumental success President Joe Biden, and his Administration has achieved at getting the virus under control. The health of the American people is being jeopardized by the Republican party, who as stated in the Constitution is supposed to work with the opposition party for the good of the country. That is the theory behind the two-party system, which the autocratic Republican party no longer supports.

The country may soon be faced with the humanistic dilemma of how to feel about and deal with these irresponsible no vaxxers who will become super-spreaders and a drain on state and federal funds to treat their preventable COVID disease. The modeling of resistance and denial by Trump regarding the need to use protective measures to avoid contracting COVID has been the template for these selfish, uninformed, or cult-following vaccine resisters. The threat they pose to our public health and the potential financial drain they will inflict on local and national economies should have consequences. After contracting COVID-19 and becoming seriously ill by behaving arrogantly irresponsible, even Trump got himself vaccinated. That may the only behavior this blog ever suggests his loyalists follow.

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